I was making Cheetos mac n cheese today for breakfast, don't ask why for breakfast, and I was eepy and I forgot to add MILK AND it was DISGUSTING and I thought the seasoning was rotten because once I had one pack imported from france that had rotten seasoning but I forgo to ADD MILK and it's so fucking hard to get cheetos mac n cheese where I live and it's expensive and I won't eat another in probably a year and the last one I had was the rotten one and now this I'M SO FUCKING SAD I JUST WANT MY CHEETOS MAC N CHEESE GOD WHY
'Cheetos Mac n cheese'? And 'for breakfast'? No judging, because I respect that everyone eats what they want whenever they want, but, allow me to say that this combination isn't the most healthy thing in the world. Mostly in the morning. I advice you to choose to eat something more... 'nutritive' and less 'damaging' next time, bud. Have a nice day. o7
Thank you AutisticMan1 but I won't be listening because I'm an idiot :( but thank you